Profile Picture

Nico Saltaformaggio #12

Ogden Raptors

Height: 6'0" | Weight: 200 | Position: RHP

August 17, 2024 | 6:35 PM
Away Team Logo1
Home Team Logo6

Invalid Game ID or no associated Game UID found.

Player information or Pitcher ID not found.

Player information or Pitcher ID not found.

Player information or Pitcher ID not found.

Player information not found.

No player ID provided or found. Unable to display heatmap.

No player ID provided or found. Unable to display pitcher usage.

No player ID provided or found. Unable to display pitcher usage.

No player ID provided or found. Unable to display pitcher usage.

Invalid Game ID provided.

Invalid Game ID provided.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Error: Player details not found.

Whoops! Player information not found.

Whoops! Player information not found.

Whoops! Player information not found.
