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Patrick Merino #15

Boise Hawks

Height: 6'2 | Weight: 220 | Position: OF

June 7, 2024 | 7:05 PM
Away Team Logo6
Home Team Logo10

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

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Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

103 Sharts, Owen ▼ 4 Curveball
Triple 100.9 21.8° 337'
156 Sharts, Owen ▼ 6 Four-Seam
FieldersChoice 59.1 14.1° 104'
212 Baird, Dusty ▼ 7 Slider
Out 99.8 20.4° 343'

▼ 2 | Batter: Patrick Merino | Pitcher: Owen Sharts
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 88.8 2353 15.4" 1.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Four-Seam
StrikeSwinging 90.7 2394 15.3" 3.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 0
3 Four-Seam
BallCalled 90.1 2308 15.1" 5.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 0
4 Slider
StrikeSwinging 85.3 2403 2.8" -6.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 0
5 Curveball
StrikeCalled 83.6 1638 -3.0" -7.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 2 0
▼ 4 | Batter: Patrick Merino | Pitcher: Owen Sharts
1 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 89.5 2319 16.3" 1.9" 70.4 14.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 89.5 2234 15.4" 1.5" 76.9 5.9° 61' Undefined 0 1 1
3 Curveball
BallCalled 79.4 2471 -16.6" -6.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 2 1
4 Curveball
InPlay 78.4 2559 -16.6" -9.4" 100.9 21.8° 337' Triple 1 2 1
▼ 6 | Batter: Patrick Merino | Pitcher: Owen Sharts
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 87.8 2207 18.5" 4.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Four-Seam
BallCalled 87.1 2213 19.1" 6.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 0
3 Four-Seam
StrikeCalled 88.3 2290 20.2" 6.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 0 0
4 Four-Seam
InPlay 87.8 2309 20.6" 6.9" 59.1 14.1° 104' FieldersChoice 2 1 0
▼ 7 | Batter: Patrick Merino | Pitcher: Dusty Baird
1 Slider
BallCalled 80.4 2490 6.5" -9.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 2
2 Slider
StrikeCalled 79.5 2507 2.6" -10.5" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 2
3 Slider
StrikeCalled 77.6 2653 2.4" -12.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 2
4 Slider
InPlay 80.4 2506 6.2" -8.1" 99.8 20.4° 343' Out 1 2 2




Total Calls: 10, Misses: 3, Accuracy: 70%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
45 Sharts, Owen Merino, Patrick ▼ 2
StrikeCalled 83.62 1638 -2.99 -6.99
210 Baird, Dusty Merino, Patrick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 79.47 2508 2.59 -10.52
211 Baird, Dusty Merino, Patrick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 77.61 2654 2.42 -12.40

Total Calls: 4, Misses: 3, Accuracy: 25%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
45 Sharts, Owen Merino, Patrick ▼ 2
StrikeCalled 83.62 1638 -2.99 -6.99
210 Baird, Dusty Merino, Patrick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 79.47 2508 2.59 -10.52
211 Baird, Dusty Merino, Patrick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 77.61 2654 2.42 -12.40



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