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Noah Marcelo #25

Boise Hawks

Height: | Weight: | Position: OF

May 28, 2024 | 6:35 PM
Away Team Logo16
Home Team Logo2

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

35 Trueman, Luke ▲ 2 Slider
Single 88.9 6.5° 101'
91 Trueman, Luke ▲ 4 Four-Seam
Double 107.0 11.8° 217'
134 Mora, Austin ▲ 5 Slider
Out 91.5 2.8° 63'
194 Mora, Austin ▲ 6 Four-Seam
Single 88.3 4.5° 82'
243 Bost, Riley ▲ 7 Slider
Out 83.2 -3.6° 26'

▲ 2 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Luke Trueman
1 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 88.3 2541 13.1" 9.6" 62.9 54.2° 112' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Slider
StrikeCalled 80.2 2518 1.9" -4.9" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 1 1
3 Changeup
FoulBallNotFieldable 81.5 1604 0.8" 12.9" 73.8 36.5° 0' Undefined 0 2 1
4 Slider
InPlay 79.3 2424 2.2" -3.9" 88.9 6.5° 101' Single 0 2 1
▲ 4 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Luke Trueman
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 86.9 2499 17.7" 7.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Four-Seam
InPlay 87.5 2475 9.1" 11.1" 107.0 11.8° 217' Double 1 0 0
▲ 5 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Austin Mora
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 88.6 2201 15.8" 3.7" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Slider
BallCalled 77.5 2278 9.1" -4.7" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 1
3 Four-Seam
StrikeCalled 88.6 2183 15.0" 4.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 0 1
4 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 89.2 2191 14.2" 1.4" 72.0 27.8° 0' Undefined 2 1 1
5 Slider
InPlay 77.2 2345 1.6" -6.0" 91.5 2.8° 63' Out 2 2 1
▲ 6 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Austin Mora
1 Changeup
StrikeCalled 85.2 1991 12.9" 11.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 2
2 Changeup
BallCalled 75.4 2211 10.1" 3.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 1 2
3 Changeup
BallCalled 85.8 2145 14.9" 12.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 2
4 Changeup
BallCalled 84.9 2120 14.6" 10.5" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 2
5 Four-Seam
InPlay 85.4 2154 17.2" 6.9" 88.3 4.5° 82' Single 3 1 2
▲ 7 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Riley Bost
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 89.7 2536 18.4" 3.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Four-Seam
StrikeSwinging 88.6 2388 12.2" 11.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 1
3 Sinker
StrikeSwinging 89.5 2426 11.1" 15.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 1
4 Slider
InPlay 81.0 2559 8.8" -12.2" 83.2 -3.6° 26' Out 1 2 1
▲ 9 | Batter: Noah Marcelo | Pitcher: Patrick Mills
1 Curveball
BallCalled 73.6 1999 -2.8" 7.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 2
2 Four-Seam
StrikeCalled 88.0 2008 15.2" -3.7" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 2
3 Curveball
BallCalled 73.9 1958 1.2" 10.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 2
4 Curveball
StrikeSwinging 73.9 2031 0.8" 9.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 2
5 Curveball
StrikeSwinging 74.0 1999 3.5" 10.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 2 2




Total Calls: 13, Misses: 1, Accuracy: 92.31%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
322 Mills, Patrick Marcelo, Noah ▲ 9
StrikeCalled 88.02 2008 15.17 -3.68

Total Calls: 7, Misses: 1, Accuracy: 85.71%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
322 Mills, Patrick Marcelo, Noah ▲ 9
StrikeCalled 88.02 2008 15.17 -3.68





No data found for player ID: 1000118512 with type: FB.

No data found for player ID: 1000118512 with type: PU.



