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Nick Block #6

Glacier Range Riders

Height: 6'4 | Weight: 220 | Position: RF

May 24, 2024 | 7:05 PM
Away Team Logo7
Home Team Logo21

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

36 Crosby, Christian ▼ 1 Splitter
Out 77.0 -4.6° 27'
103 Crosby, Christian ▼ 3 Four-Seam
Single 88.0 5.0° 98'
145 Burdett, Bradley ▼ 3 Curveball
Single 90.8 18.2° 221'
192 Eglite, Brody ▼ 4 Cutter
Double 84.7 16.3° 229'
313 Whitmore, Kelsie ▼ 7 Changeup
Out 96.3 17.1° 291'

▼ 1 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Christian Crosby
1 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 93.5 1989 14.4" 3.3" 72.8 17.2° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Four-Seam
StrikeCalled 93.1 1995 14.6" 2.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 1 1
3 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 95.3 2025 13.0" 0.0" 75.8 45.9° 0' Undefined 0 2 1
4 Splitter
InPlay 81.7 1115 -1.2" 5.5" 77.0 -4.6° 27' Out 0 2 1
▼ 3 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Christian Crosby
1 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 91.8 1917 12.2" 6.0" 85.3 41.7° 274' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 93.7 2036 13.3" 1.3" 77.9 30.8° 0' Undefined 0 1 0
3 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 94.4 2036 13.2" 3.8" 74.9 54.3° 0' Undefined 0 2 0
4 Slider
BallCalled 82.2 1997 1.6" -5.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 2 0
5 Four-Seam
InPlay 93.3 2034 13.2" 3.2" 88.0 5.0° 98' Single 1 2 0
▼ 3 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Bradley Burdett
1 Curveball
FoulBallNotFieldable 70.3 1997 -1.6" 8.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 2
2 Curveball
BallCalled 70.1 1795 0.5" 9.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 1 2
3 Curveball
FoulBallNotFieldable 78.9 1784 7.4" -0.8" 71.7 50.1° 0' Undefined 1 1 2
4 Curveball
FoulBallNotFieldable 69.9 1927 -1.1" 6.4" 53.5 8.3° 57' Undefined 1 2 2
5 Curveball
InPlay 67.3 2073 4.1" 8.4" 90.8 18.2° 221' Single 1 2 2
▼ 4 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Brody Eglite
1 Four-Seam
BallCalled 90.4 2148 15.4" 6.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 2
2 Cutter
InPlay 89.1 2244 9.2" 2.3" 84.7 16.3° 229' Double 1 0 2
▼ 6 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Brody Eglite
1 Curveball
BallCalled 72.2 2214 -8.4" -11.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 86.2 2209 15.9" 5.0" 82.0 28.8° 279' Undefined 1 0 1
3 Four-Seam
BallCalled 89.6 2203 15.4" 3.7" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 1
4 Four-Seam
BallCalled 89.9 2254 16.7" 4.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 1
5 Four-Seam
StrikeSwinging 89.2 2136 15.9" 4.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 1 1
6 Four-Seam
FoulBallNotFieldable 90.1 2269 16.4" 3.2" 65.5 38.3° 0' Undefined 3 2 1
7 Four-Seam
BallCalled 88.9 2222 14.6" 5.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 2 1
▼ 7 | Batter: Nick Block | Pitcher: Kelsie Whitmore
1 Curveball
StrikeCalled 61.8 1591 2.1" -9.5" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Curveball
BallCalled 61.9 1668 -2.9" -12.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 1 0
3 Changeup
BallCalled 76.6 1671 16.3" 8.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 0
4 Changeup
StrikeCalled 74.2 1497 9.4" 2.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 0
5 Curveball
BallCalled 64.4 1584 4.3" -9.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 2 0
6 Changeup
FoulBallNotFieldable 76.2 1440 7.2" 6.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 2 0
7 Changeup
InPlay 65.8 1465 9.8" -6.2" 96.3 17.1° 291' Out 3 2 0




Total Calls: 13, Misses: 1, Accuracy: 92.31%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
310 Whitmore, Kelsie Block, Nick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 74.21 1497 9.41 2.28

Total Calls: 6, Misses: 1, Accuracy: 83.33%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
310 Whitmore, Kelsie Block, Nick ▼ 7
StrikeCalled 74.21 1497 9.41 2.28






No data found for player ID: 1000051596 with type: FB.

No data found for player ID: 1000051596 with type: PU.



