Corner Stripe v2.9 Beta –

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Garrett Kueber #6

Northern Colorado Owlz

Height: 5'9" | Weight: 185 | Position: IF

May 21, 2024 | 6:30 PM
Away Team Logo14
Home Team Logo9

Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

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Type#Contact%SwStr%Chase%EVMax EVLAZ-Swing%

117 Vasquez, Rafael ▲ 3 Curveball
Out 87.0 9.4° 136'

▲ 1 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Rafael Vasquez
1 Sinker
StrikeCalled 90.4 2168 4.0" 10.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Slider
FoulBallNotFieldable 81.9 2586 2.0" -8.8" 87.1 38.6° 310' Undefined 0 1 0
3 Slider
BallCalled 82.5 2580 -3.0" -7.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 2 0
4 Slider
FoulBallNotFieldable 82.2 2591 -1.2" -12.6" 81.1 58.5° 0' Undefined 1 2 0
▲ 1 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Rafael Vasquez
1 Slider
StrikeSwinging 83.0 2538 -2.6" -6.3" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 2 1
▲ 3 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Rafael Vasquez
1 Slider
BallCalled 83.5 2287 2.5" 0.5" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Sinker
StrikeCalled 88.8 2132 4.9" 13.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 0
3 Curveball
InPlay 81.0 2517 -5.0" -5.3" 87.0 9.4° 136' Out 1 1 0
▲ 5 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Rafael Vasquez
1 Slider
BallCalled 74.4 2555 7.1" -3.9" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 0
2 Changeup
StrikeCalled 82.1 2102 5.4" 17.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 0
3 Changeup
BallCalled 81.4 2130 5.5" 16.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 0
▲ 5 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Jackson Smith
4 Changeup
BallCalled 82.2 2125 4.2" 16.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 0
5 Changeup
FoulBallNotFieldable 81.6 2182 1.6" 16.4" 83.0 49.3° 0' Undefined 3 1 0
6 Changeup
FoulBallNotFieldable 81.2 2161 2.0" 17.2" 60.2 34.4° 0' Undefined 3 2 0
7 Curveball
StrikeSwinging 74.3 2599 2.4" -9.0" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 2 0
▲ 6 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Jackson Smith
1 Curveball
BallCalled 72.9 2269 5.0" -7.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Changeup
FoulBallNotFieldable 79.8 2108 4.2" 16.4" 67.2 44.1° 0' Undefined 1 0 1
3 Curveball
BallCalled 73.0 2637 2.3" -10.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 1 1
4 Changeup
BallCalled 80.0 2241 4.7" 18.9" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 1
5 Curveball
BallCalled 72.8 2502 0.9" -7.1" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 1 1
▲ 9 | Batter: Garrett Kueber | Pitcher: Jack Cone
1 Cutter
BallCalled 89.5 2283 7.1" -2.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 0 0 1
2 Slider
BallCalled 85.9 2436 0.6" -3.2" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 1 0 1
3 Slider
StrikeCalled 86.5 2345 2.4" -1.4" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 0 1
4 Slider
BallCalled 89.8 2296 7.2" -2.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 1 1
5 Curveball
FoulBallNotFieldable 77.5 2480 -5.9" -6.8" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 1 1
6 Slider
BallCalled 89.2 2325 4.6" -1.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 2 2 1
7 Slider
BallCalled 86.1 2467 3.2" -3.6" 0.0 0.0° 0' Undefined 3 2 1




Total Calls: 18, Misses: 6, Accuracy: 66.67%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
181 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 5
BallCalled 81.44 2130 5.46 16.79
22 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 1
StrikeCalled 90.43 2168 4.00 10.58
24 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 1
BallCalled 82.54 2581 -2.95 -7.33
116 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 3
StrikeCalled 88.77 2133 4.87 13.21
180 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 5
StrikeCalled 82.15 2102 5.45 17.64
386 Cone, Jack Kueber, Garrett ▲ 9
StrikeCalled 86.46 2346 2.45 -1.41

Total Calls: 10, Misses: 5, Accuracy: 50%
All Missed Calls:
#PitcherBatterInningLocationResultVelocitySpin RateIVBHB
181 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 5
BallCalled 81.44 2130 5.46 16.79
22 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 1
StrikeCalled 90.43 2168 4.00 10.58
116 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 3
StrikeCalled 88.77 2133 4.87 13.21
180 Vasquez, Rafael Kueber, Garrett ▲ 5
StrikeCalled 82.15 2102 5.45 17.64
386 Cone, Jack Kueber, Garrett ▲ 9
StrikeCalled 86.46 2346 2.45 -1.41




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